[0.10] Available Now!

The Remaster is Here!

And the wait is finally over! Over 9 months of work! 
Not a dream, nor an illusion conjured by mischievous spirits (though I wouldn’t put it past them). The Remaster of From the Sin is finally complete and available for everyone!

Oh, how it all started so simply — a tiny, harmless little QoL update to smooth the edges, mend a few cracks, and polish things up with the new knowledge I had gathered. But alas, the deeper I went, the more I saw — and the more I saw, the more I redid.

A tweak became a fix. A fix became a remaster. A remaster became a remake.

And a “small QoL update” became a 9-month odyssey. 

Whoops. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)

But now, dear player, it is ready! And I could not be more excited (or more exhausted) for you to see what I have been cooking, crafting, and occasionally cursing at for all these months!

What Awaits You in the Remaster?

  • Over 1,000 New Renders!
    ("Just a few more," I said. "One here, one there." And then, boom! — one thousand. Whoever suggested this should be executed. …Oh wait, that was me.)
  • New Characters & Enhanced Designs!
    (From their most charming smiles to their perfectly sculpted a—...  ahem — battle-ready figures, they’ve all been enhanced. And this is only the beginning! Every new lesson I learn, every new trick I master, they shall be the first to bear its fruit. The cast keeps growing wider than the Cheshire Cat’s gri— Uh… I already said that...)
  • A-Animations…?
    (Shhh… Y-yes, I’ve added animations. They exist. They move. I swear they do. Why don’t you take a look and tell me what you think? That grinning "Thing" keeps watching and grinning at me, so I haven’t dared stare too long myself…)
  • Black Screens?
    (A new spell, perhaps? An old fairy tale from "that" library? Never heard of it. Move along.)
  • New Music & SFX!
    (The Machines make such peculiar sounds, don’t they? I do wonder — could it be that they have tiny speakers inside, humming and buzzing? ...Or perhaps it is the whisper of something else? ...Mana-what???)
  • A Brand-New UI!
    (IT’S. BEAUTIFUL. No further comments. Just… look at it. Admire it.)

These are but the highlights of what lies ahead, for the list is long, and your patience is precious. I shall spare you the endless details (And talking like this is exhausting, after all). Instead, I leave you with a simple invitation:

Step inside. See for yourself.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for your patience, your belief, and your strongsupport. I know it is no easy thing to follow a project that shares so little, so sporadically… but that is about to change.

The Remaster Hell is over.

Now, let us step forward into the future of From the Sin. Join me. Let’s make this journey unforgettable. ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩)

       With love, Vorpal — The one who didn't write a new announcement because is tired.


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Awesome game i love it. Super excited to see the development of this game


i just found this game yesterday, and I am AMAZED by how good it already is, cant wait for what the future holds!


Great news to return to from vacation. Defo gonna play this asap!


You had me concerned, when the old page just straight up ceased existing :P


nice cooking


Someone know how to obtain this achievement?

"A breathtaking Encounter"


Calm down, take it easy. Just breathe. ^^




Bro rising from the shadows


